VEDA 332, 200ml (Mahamanjishtadi Kashayam)



16 in stock



Dose for adults:
Once a day 15 ml (see measuring cup) with 50 ml warm water.
Shake well before using!

General advice required by law:

Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose.
Important: Food supplements should not be a substitute for a well-balanced, varied diet, and a healthy lifestyle.
Store this product out of the reach of young children.

Laboratory-tested quality


The recommended daily dose (15 ml) contains the following ingredients:

Aqua (Wasser/ water) 13,1 ml. Konservierungsstoff Natriumbenzoat / Preservative sodium benzoate / Conserveermiddel natriumbenzoaat. Wässriger Extrakt aus / Aqueous extract from / Waterig extract uit: Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) 129 mg, Terminalia belerica 125 mg, Asparagus racemosus / Indian asparagus / Indiase asperge (Shatavari) 124 mg, Rubia cordifolia 110 mg, Emblica officinalis (Amalaki) 110 mg, Piper longum (Pippali) 100 mg, Marsdenia tenacissima 73 mg, Holarrhena antidysenterica 61mg, Eclipta alba 60 mg, Adhatoda vasica 58 mg, Chaerophyllum reflexum 58 mg, Pavonia odorata 52 mg, Clerodendrum serratum 48 mg, Butea monosperma 48 mg, Solanum xanthocarpum 42 mg, Trichosanthes dioica 39 mg, Crataeva nurvala 37 mg, Fumaria indica 37 mg, Zingiber officinale (Ingwer/ ginger/ gember) 34 mg, Berberis aristata 34 mg, Operculina turpethum 31 mg, Hemidesmus indicus 31 mg, Psoralea corylifolia 31 mg, Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) 28 mg, Cassia fistula 28 mg, Plumbago zeylanica 27 mg, Centella asiatica 27 mg, Curcuma longa (Gelbwurz/ turmeric/ geelwortel) 24 mg, Cissampelos pareira 24 mg, Fagonia cretica 24 mg, Solanum indicum 21 mg, Cyperus rotundus 16 mg, Embelia ribes 15 mg, Azadirachta indica (Neem) 10 mg, Acacia catechu 10 mg, Melia azedarach 10 mg, Pongamia pinnata 10 mg, Pterocarpus marsupium 7 mg, Santalum album (Weißes Sandelholz / white sandalwood / wit sandelhout) 7 mg, Cedrus deodara 6 mg

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
Amount 200
Unit 200


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