by Mrs Suneeta Lakshmi Lies

The Sanskrit word Ritu means season and Sandhi means junction so Ritu Sandhi is a transitional junction or an interseasonal period of 7 days culminating the current season and the 7 days commencing the following season: Thursday 25 August to Wednesday 7 September, 2022.

The classical Ayurveda text Ashtanga Hridaya states that:

During this period, the regimen of the preceding season should be discontinued gradually and that of the succeeding season should be gradually adopted; sudden discontinuance or sudden adoption gives rise to diseases caused by Asatmya (non-habituation).”

Being proactive is a gamechanger in these modern times to help stay happy and healthy during the change of season from summer’s end to early Autumn.

During these delicate 2 weeks, it is advisable to gradually discontinue Summer’s Ritucharya or seasonal regime and gradually begin with Autumnal detoxification guidelines and lifestyle routines in order to avoid falling ill with the fluctuations in weather, doshas and digestive fire, maintain the physiology’s homeostatic balance, and cleanse any accumulated ama, a sticky toxin created by undigested food, which may have accumulated and clogged bodily tissues and channels.

During the Summer, the hot quality of Pitta Dosha may have accumulated in your physiology from your external environment as well as the dry, airy qualities of Vata Dosha from consuming cooling or raw foods and cold beverages, being very active, or perhaps from travelling.

In order to glide gracefully through Ritu Sandhi, I recommenda Pitta-Vata mind-body cleanse to gradually detoxify and prepare oneself on all levels: emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually as Autumn, Sharad, is a period of letting go holistically.

Daily Pitta-Vata balancing routine during the Ritu Sandhi Cleanse

  1. Try to awaken in tune with the sunrise, around 6 AM, and be in bed around 10 PM to maximise on rest, cellular regeneration, lower cortisol levels, and to allow your immune system to release inflammation-fighting cytokines during sleep.
  2. Drink a cup of warm water right after waking up to help with the even movement of the subdosha, Samana Vata, which is located in the stomach, small and large intestines. This promotes a healthy morning evacuation of your bowels.
  3. Kick start your body with self-care by treating yourself to a self-massage, Abhyanga, with warm, cured sesame oil, (if you have dry skin which needs moisturising and nourishing), or Pitta massage oil, (if your skin has been generously sun-kissed and needs soothing). Daily abhyanga has numerous benefits: it balances Vata Dosha, reduces anxiety, depression, fatigue, and feeling weaker through the day; it supports healthy circulation; enhances energy and vitality; loosens up any toxins in tissues; stimulates nerve endings; and promotes lubrication, lustre, softness, and youthfulness of your skin from head to toe.
  4. After your shower, I recommend practicing either Maharishi Yoga Asanas, (ideally taught by your Transcendental Meditation teacher), or Sun Salutation stretching exercises to reconnect your physiology with its inner intelligence, increase circulation and flexibility, remove surface fatigue, heaviness, stress, and stiffness in the body, followed by Transcendental Meditation. Repeat in the afternoon after work.
  5. Take an enlivening walk outside in the powerfully positive morning sun. This easy exercise in the nourishing, rising sunlight is known to have a multitude of health-promoting benefits for both your mind and body as many studies have shown.
  6. By maintaining a regular routine over these two weeks in waking, sleeping, exercise, meditation, eating times, and avoiding delaying or skipping meals, you will enjoy balanced doshas, health, and well-being.

Maharishi Ayurveda Herbal Cleansing Support

  1. Take 1-2 teaspoons (5-10ml) of LiverCare Syrup (MA5936) before meals initially 3 times daily and after 7 days twice daily.

According to Maharishi AyurVeda, the liver is governed by Ranjaka Pitta and is composed of five Bhuta Agnis, (digestive fires). The five Agnis should not be too high, too low or uneven. The more balanced the Agnis the more ‘intelligent’ blood that comes from the liver. In turn, intelligent blood supports physical and mental power, good oxygen flow and a good immune function. LiverCare Syrup is fast acting. It supports the cleansing of the liver to flush out undigested impurities (ama) that can block the assimilation of nutrients and clears channels for toxins to flow out. LiverCare Syrup supports balanced digestion by enhancing the five metabolic functions of the liver (Bhuta Agni), and maintains the intelligence of the liver for the production of healthy blood cells (Ranjaka Pitta), bile and nutritional fluids. It also helps the first step of digestion and metabolism (Jathar Agni) which breaks down food.

2. Take 1-4 capsules of Herbal Cleanse (MA602) at bedtime with warm water in accord with the label instructions taking account of digestion speed and state of elimination. Continue until elimination is normal but if it is not normal after not more than 2 weeks consult a Maharishi AyurVeda practitioner. Maharishi AyurVeda considers daily elimination a prerequisite for good health. Irregular elimination allows toxins to build up, causing you to feel “plugged up” physically and mentally.

The Herbal Cleanse formula will not only provide intestinal cleansing during this fortnight, but is also a healthy, long-term solution without doing a harsh purge. Herbal Cleanse supports natural, effective, regular elimination; aids in cellular purification; balances cell moisture for smooth, clear skin; and improves assimilation and nutrition.

3. As an alternative to Herbal Cleanse (MA602), take 2 tablets of Triphala with Rose (MA505) at bedtime with warm water. Triphala with Rose is Maharishi Ayurveda’s unique version of the ancient Triphala formula. Besides nourishing the mind and body and supporting overall vitality and longevity, Triphala with Rose has many specific effects. It is particularly rejuvenating for the digestive tract, and is a rasayana for the eyes and the skin. Triphala with Rose helps to balance the functioning of the colon, lower abdomen, menstrual flow and elimination.

For most people Triphala with Rose is a mild laxative, and for that reason it is excellent for clearing toxins from the digestive system. It simultaneously enlivens the main digestive fire in the stomach.

At this moderate dose it is gentle, and detoxifies the body slowly. Because it detoxifies the blood, muscle and fat tissues, Triphala with Rose is excellent for promoting clear healthy skin. It removes Ama from the fat tissue, thus helping to balance cholesterol. It also purifies the urine and supports urinary tract health.

Disclaimer: please note these are general recommendations to educate and guide, and do not take into account individual mind-body types, any pre-existing conditions, disease or disorders one may have. It is best to have a personal consultation with a qualified Maharishi AyurVeda professional to gain insight into your health history, assess your current state, and be given an individualised nutrition and lifestyle plan, herbal remedies, and/or treatment recommendations.